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Please consider partnering with PowerMentor impacting lives and communities! Your contribution directly supports our project initiatives. If you have questions, please contact us.
PowerMentor utilizes 100% of your donation for our projects and to support our efforts. All staff are volunteer using personal vacation time to travel abroad for projects used as a catalyst to develop leaders using real life critical situations such as emergent humanitarian relief. The financial resources are used to directly impact the lives of our participants. You can also request your contribution be used for a specific project or purpose. We have impacted countless lives that have gone from high school dropout, to successful attorneys, teachers, law enforcement, health care professionals…
We have been successful in part because of your generous support. We believe in those we serve more than they believe in themselves! By modeling positive behavior, connecting passionately with individuals, and involving them in real life purposeful projects, we are able to be a part of transforming lives.
Checks can be made payable to PowerMentor (Please state in memo what your contribution is to be used for). Mail to: PowerMentor: 7465 Mission Gorge Rd. Suite #101, San Diego, CA 92120.
We are grateful for your support, and believe the return on your investment is immense. Thank you for your.